Razzaq Mohammed

Celebrating 15 years of my blogging journey!

I recently completed 15 years of my blogging journey! My very first post was back in 2008, made while I was in my 12th grade. It simply had a list of names of our group of friends. I started off my blogging journey by sharing stories of the activities our group of friends did together like trips, parties etc. Later I started writing about my individual travel trips. Full story here. Since then I have come a long way. My blog (the travel one) was featured on multiple websites and platforms, I was interviewed by a top travel podcast channel, a newspaper printed my photos and best of all I received countless words of appreciation from friends and readers! Over the course of 15 years I was also fortunate to have traveled in 5 countries including India. The others being Canada, United States, Bhutan and Peru. A bit more detailed story of my blogging journey can be found here which I wrote when I had completed 400 posts in 2022.

At this milestone point I am doing a Reader survey. It would be great if you, the reader, can fill it out! Thank you!
Here is the link: https://forms.gle/L222WkTvgY7vG25e7

Some of my popular travel posts:

Some of my popular book posts:

Unstoppable || A 10 point book review

Unstoppable is about the solutions offered by science to deal with Climate Change. In it, the author, Bill Nye, first gives an explanation of Climate Change, then moves onto explain the different sources of clean energy we have including solar, wind, hydro, nuclear etc. He also looks at other aspects which are connected like water, space and what the general public can do.


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