Book Posts
Book Posts

Unstoppable || A 10 point book review

Unstoppable is about the solutions offered by science to deal with Climate Change. In it, the author, Bill Nye, first gives an explanation of Climate Change, then moves onto explain the different sources of clean energy we have including solar, wind, hydro, nuclear etc. He also looks at other aspects which are connected like water, space and what the general public can do.

The Ornament of the World || A quick book review

Every once in a while a piece of art comes along which transports you to another place, another era, another mood. Be it a movie, a music track, a song or a book. ‘The Ornament of the world’ is one such book. The last time a non fiction book had such an impact on me was when I read William Dalrymple’s ‘City of Djinns’.

The First Shots || A 10 point book review

When Covid19 hit the world in 2020, the general public spent the first few months thinking that it was going to pass quickly but it wasn’t to be. Few months later all the talk was about vaccines. How soon can they be developed and how it was the only hope mankind had before deaths peaked again next winter. This book chronicles the journey of the development of these vaccines.

Espana : A Brief History of Spain || A 10 point book review

This book is about the history of Spain, from prehistoric times to today. Starting with the mythological figure of Hercules, the author quickly takes us to Al Andalus by the third chapter and then journeying through the blood thirsty conquistadores we cross into the 16th century and later. In 300 pages the author gives a snapshot of the history of Spain and how it got shaped into what it is today.